seax wica lyblacSeax Wica And Lyblac 

On the Nature of Fetches

copyright 2007 Dennis Fetcho

The fetch is an independent form that is attached to the person though not actually a part of the person, in a sense. It can some times easily be confused with the fylgja but it is actually a splintering of the fylgja that is done in order to accomplish some particular task. It comes generally in the form of an animal or of the opposite sex of the person it is attached to. It's purpose is to assist the person it is attached to in other realms. Most people never see or have need of their fetch until death, at which time it will generally guide them to the after-life. It can and often is passed along ancestral lines.

In Nordic Pagan shaman systems, the soul is seen to be divided into constituent components. Generally, these classifications fall into 5 primary forms:
1) The Body,
2) Mind.
3) Soul,
4) Fetch, and
5) Orlaeg.

Western esoteric traditions such as Masonry typically set forward system based on 3 parts to the soul: 1)Mind, 2)Body, and 3) Spirit

Fetch's are equated to Woden or the Letter L in higher systems, and are primary dwellers in Asgard. Asgard as an esoteric construct, and the "Garden of Eden", are quite comparable in design and construction, hence to return to "Asgard" or to the "Garden of Eden" can be viewed as simple cultural transpositions of a shamanistic reality.

An anonymous author had this to say regarding Asgard and The Fetch:

Asgard. This is the highest realm of consciousness, this is almost pure consciousness and so Asgard is a realm of almost pure being. This has been described as a divine state of being. The central hall of Asgard is ruled by Odhinn the god of inspiration, the God whose very being is the Wode state. This realm relates to the those aspects of the soul known as the Wode and also that of the Fetch. The Wode is a state of divine inspiration which can be bestowed upon consciousness when the intellectual faculties are brought into harmony. In achieving the Wode state the intellectual powers open themselves to the most productive and fertile manifestation of the mind, the highest state of being - the state of frenzied inspiration - whilst the Wode is a principle which is connected with Asgard we must also recognise that its true home is Midgard or the self - one of the aims of rune work is to bring the Wode home - to reach that state of perfect integration that is truly Hailagaz and so while we have to discuss the Wode in relation to Asgard we must also acknowledge that its destination is Midhgard or the Self. The Fetch, is the element of the soul which is truly at home in Asgard. The Fetch is that being who holds within its consciousness every thought, every act and every moment of your own conscious life and more besides. The Fetch is also the collective repository of all that has ever been in the mind of all your previous incarnations - hence it also carries with it the totality of your ancestral consciousness. One of the aspects of this is that the Fetch has knowledge of the realm of Hel, this is a transcendent knowledge as whilst the fetch's home is in Asgard its nature is to follow the soul through all of its incarnations - this leads one to posit an intimate connection between the Fetch and the seed of the entire soul structure known as the shade or Sal - this intimate connection implies that the Fetch even understands that state of being which occurs between one life and the next - a from of being which is not a being.

The Fetch is the most complete form of personal consciousness. Through exploring this level of the cosmos one can gain a better understanding of the nature of the Wode and its inspiration as well as gaining insights into the nature of the Fetch for this is the realm in which consciousness opens up to embrace more than mundane consciousness - in this realm we can gain access to ancestral consciousness a form of consciousness which links us directly with our mythical ancestor Odhinn. Alternately through exploring the Wode and trying to attain communication with the Fetch one can begin to understand the nature of Asgard. Either way the result of this exploration will be an intimate understanding of the highest states of being and the highest states of consciousness. The vowel sound which corresponds to Asgard is A the rune of divine inspiration. Through intoning this sound we activate Asgard in our personal sphere and hence give power to the Wode and to the Fetch.

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